
By Kristy Raska, Director of Student Support and Wellness

我相信这种情况对许多高中生的父母来说很熟悉:你的孩子需要从他们的背包里拿东西, 打开它, 当他们拉开拉链的时候, KA-BLAMO! 废纸的爆炸, 吃了一半的零食, 错误的书写工具, and random flotsam and jetsam erupts from within. 和 then once the searched-for item has been found, 很可能剩下的东西会被塞回去,拉上拉链,等待下一次爆炸.

“有效的组织行为可以决定学校表现是称职还是低效,博士写道。. 梅尔·莱文在他的书中写道, 教育医疗. There are many different brain functions that go into organization — temporal ordering, 空间顺序, 工作记忆, numerous aspects of attention and executive functioning, to name a few — and if there is a “glitch” in any one of these areas, 组织可能会受到影响. 许多学生(和许多成年人)的神经系统天生就没有组织能力. 有趣的是, 通常,导致混乱的神经机制也会带来一些非常积极的事情, like creativity and outside-of-the-box thinking/problem solving.

Disorganized students are often criticized for their “careless” ways, and come to see their lack of organizational ability as a chronic shortcoming. 值得注意的是,大多数孩子并不是故意乱整理的——这种整理实际上是许多学生需要被明确教导的一种技能.

There are three main types of disorganization that cross my path in the school setting. 第一, 物料管理, 是非常常见的,也是最常见的组织问题(我相信你仍然可以想象这篇文章开头所描述的背包灾难)。. Students with poor material man年龄ment frequently lose things, 不知道该带什么书回家, 工作场所不整洁, 不要使用作业本. 这些孩子可能会花很多时间准备工作(找铅笔), 寻找阅读材料). 和, 一旦作业完成, 他们可能会把它藏在背包里一个完全不合逻辑的地方,或者放在谷歌硬盘上,然后第二天就找不到它了.

时间管理 is another common type of disorganization seen in high school students. Kids with weak time man年龄ment aren’t able to predict how long an assignment should take, and may leave large projects to the last minute, 不知道怎么把它们拆成更小的, 更易于管理的块. They may consistently be late in completing tasks, as well as being physically late themselves due to losing track of time. These are the kids who tend to procrastinate and then feel overwhelmed by their workload. 成年人对这种混乱的常见反应是恼怒(因为学生似乎完成的很少)。, and these kids often label themselves as “lazy.”

最后,许多学生纠结于 信息组织这可能很难理解. When these kids read or hear complex information, 他们可能很好地理解了内容,但他们缺乏一种内部机制来分类和存储事实和数据在他们的记忆中——有点像记忆归档系统. 他们把信息作为一个巨大的格式塔来吸收,这使得以后检索信息变得极其困难. Weak 信息组织 leads to forgetting (or not knowing) to do homework, 对计划的评估感到惊讶, 也不记得要去哪里. Students with this difficulty often struggle to know how to study, 或者如何处理任何复杂的任务. It can also greatly impact academic output; for example, 这种杂乱无章的学生可能会在写作过程中感到不知所措, 不知道该包括什么,不该包括什么, how much to elaborate on what they are writing, and how to cohesively piece together random strands of thoughts and information.

The good news is, there is hope for even the most disorganized student! 学习策略和结构有助于防止混乱影响学习成绩是很重要的——不仅仅是在索伯里的生活, 高中毕业后的生活也是如此. 一般来说, 那些没有组织能力的人可能总是不得不在他们的组织尝试中深思熟虑. While there is no one-size-fits-all “cure” for the disorganized student, 父母可以做很多事情来帮助孩子学习组织策略. 这里有一些:

  • Have them set up a well organized work space. 位置很重要——通常卧室并不是有效学习的最佳场所,因为有太多的干扰. 无论空间在哪, 他们应该给它配备书写用具, 纸, 便签纸, 一杯水——任何可能帮助学生更容易进入实际工作的东西.

  • 墙上或桌上的大日历是帮助他们管理任务的好工具. 学生应该养成每天在计划表上写作业的习惯(而不是每次坐下来工作时都依赖Moodle/Google教室检查)。, but it helps to also have a monthly calendar to map out what is due when, 哪一个更能说明问题. This allows students to develop an effective plan of attack for larger assignments, and to see when there might be a pile-up of work coming due in their different classes.

  • 我非常喜欢使用清单(清单宣言是一本必读的书!). 每次你的孩子坐下来工作, 他们应该列出需要完成的任务清单(提示:总是从最难或最不有趣的任务开始)。. Once listed and prioritized, the workload often feels immediately more man年龄able. It’s also very satisfying to check off accomplished tasks. 我的每日清单总是以“制定今天的清单”开头,这样我就可以马上完成一些事情! 让学生估计清单上的每个任务预计需要多长时间也很有帮助, to help them build a sense of time man年龄ment.

  • 那些努力整理学校材料的学生可能会对活页夹和笔记本的状态感到尴尬或恼怒. It can help to encour年龄 them to set time aside every Sunday, 在新学期开始之前, 让事情有条理. 他们应该把松散的文件都找一个家(他们可以住在他们房间里的档案里)? 它们能被回收吗?? Should they be three-hole-punched and clipped into a binder? Or maybe they were supposed to be turned in to the teacher last week!). 把铅笔插在他们的箱子里. Make sure the planner is as up to date with assignments as it can be. It feels great starting the week with everything in order, knowing exactly where to find what is needed. There is a great deal of technology that can aid in organization, as well. 网络规划者, 用于创建时间表的应用程序, 闹钟和计时器, 屏蔽干扰的应用程序, 甚至有效地使用GoogleDocs(它也需要被组织到文件夹中)可以真正帮助那些杂乱无章的学生.

好吧, 忏悔时间:对我来说, 帮助把开头一段噩梦般的杀手攻击变成一个整洁的背包, 有序的, efficient learning tool is one of my favorite things to do. 韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学习专家都精通于帮助学生找到组织的道路, so if you want to talk about more strategies for home, or what more we can do to help your student here at 韦德娱乐app下载地址, 请 不要犹豫,伸出援手!


克里斯蒂·拉斯卡于2018年8月加入索利伯里学校,担任学习技能部门负责人,并于2022年扩大了她的角色,成为学生支持和健康总监. 在索莱伯里之前, she was the Director of Learning Support at Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn, 在纽约待了10年.